Water Codes, Carly Nuday
A scientifically grounded exploration of frequency-based therapies and structured water, raising fascinating questions about memory storage, material science, and biology.
Dr. Lauren Deville
C.A. Gray (Dr Lauren’s pen name)

It’s so hard to find books on frequency-based therapies with scientific grounding. This is one of them.
Ever since reading Gerald Pollack’s “The Fourth Phase of Water,” I’ve been trying to understand the implications of structured water for our own bodies. I recently learned of a company that claims to make glass water bottles that will “structure” the water within, and was skeptical–mostly because I really don’t understand material science. Isn’t glass, just glass? (But then again, isn’t water, just water? Apparently not!) After reading this book and taking copious notes, I have more questions than answers, mostly of new things I need to learn about. For instance: how exactly do silicon chips store data? (Ones and zeroes, yes, I know. But from a literal, structural standpoint, what does that mean?) How do fractals actually store information–is the information in the structures themselves? And if so, how can it possibly be extracted? It seems the answer to these questions will also explain how crystals can store information (apparently they are nearly perfect for this purpose, far less subject to entropy than most other mediums), and how water can do so as well. The body can apparently “store” memories in structured water, but how? What does that mean? And if you make new memories, there’s only so much water in your tissues–how do you avoid accidentally overwriting them?
There were also a lot of chapters on how water is sacred to a number of religions. I skipped these chapters, not because I didn’t believe it, but simply because I didn’t need to be convinced and that wasn’t what I was really seeking to know, anyway.
I’m especially grateful for the author’s “recommended reads” section at the end. I’ll be following her down that rabbit hole…
My rating: *****