
Meet Dr. Lauren Deville

Dr. Lauren Deville is a graduate of Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ, is licensed in Arizona and Colorado, and is the owner of Nature Cure Family Health in Tucson, Arizona. She received her BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics from the University of Arizona. She is the author of The Holistic Gut Prescription and How to Be Healthy: Body, Mind, and Spirit, and the host of the weekly podcast, Christian Natural Health. She is also an instructor for the American Academy of Functional Health. She writes young adult fiction in her spare time under the pen name C.A. Gray, reviews young adult fiction in her monthly “Clean Reads” newsletter, and maintains an occasionally contentious movie review blog with her cinephile husband.

Healing Journey

Discovering a Career Aligned with Her True Calling

Dr. Lauren came to naturopathic medicine in a roundabout way. When she was fifteen, her father died of cancer, after which she planned to devote her life to cancer research. But she quickly discovered that research was not for her. Years later she planned to attend traditional (“allopathic”) medical school, but she was frustrated by her volunteer experience, which seemed to consist only of treating symptoms, rather than searching for and addressing underlying causes. She stumbled upon SCNM almost by accident, but the moment she walked in the doors of her future medical school, she knew that this was what she had been searching for all along.  She considers herself incredibly blessed to have found a career that is also a calling.


Dr. Lauren Deville: A Journey in Naturopathy

Dr. Lauren Deville is a licensed naturopathic physician with a passion for holistic health. Her extensive training and personal journey empower her to guide patients towards optimal wellness.


Naturopathic Medical Doctorate from Sonoran University (formerly Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine") & BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics


13+ years of practice at Nature Cure Family Health


Explore Dr. Lauren’s Transformative Books for Holistic Health and Well-Being

Dive into Dr. Lauren's books that guide you on your journey to health. Each title offers practical insights and holistic strategies for enhancing your well-being.

The Holistic Gut Prescription

A comprehensive guide to healing your gut for optimal health and vitality.

How to Be Healthy

Explore body, mind, and spirit wellness through practical tips and holistic strategies.


Explore Holistic Health Through Faith

Christian Natural Health is a podcast dedicated to exploring natural health through the lens of biblical principles. I’m Dr. Lauren Deville, a naturopathic doctor practicing in Tucson, AZ, with a passion for helping individuals heal by addressing the connection between body, mind, and spirit. In this podcast, my guests and I discuss a range of topics, from nutrition, sleep, and exercise to biblical topics, including biblical meditation, and spiritual insights—all with a focus on empowering you with practical, holistic solutions. Through this journey, my aim is to provide an approachable, compassionate guide to wellness, rooted in the belief that true healing happens when we care for every aspect of ourselves.


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Interested in finding a Nature Cure Certified Practitioner? Visit wholehealthdr.com to discover qualified professionals in your area.

First Visit

What Happens at a Visit?

Dr. Lauren works best with patients who either:

  • Already believe in natural medicine approaches.
  • Who have tried traditional treatments without success.

She resonates well with patients who are open with her, and willing to consider the possible mental and emotional connection to physical issues (when relevant). Visits tend to go deep and often become emotional at some point or another.  She is a strong Christian and frequently works with either Christian or otherwise spiritually minded patients.

Dr Lauren treats everything from complex chronic disease to healthy patients looking to optimize wellness. (The only thing she doesn't treat is cancer). Many treatment approaches to such conditions are addressed in more detail on the conditions page.

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